Boogaerdt Hout

Boogaerdt Hout is part of the Royal Boogaerdt Group and has been active in timber since 1741. We started as a sawmill and grew into a broad, modern timber trade with its own import channels, extensive mechanical and roundwood sawmill. Boogaerdt supplies timber and timber solutions to professional processors and building material dealers.

We are a stock-keeping importer of various environmentally certified wood species from Africa, Europe, Southeast Asia, North and South America. The extensive stocks give you flexibility in choices and quality.

Boogaerdt Hout realizes better than anyone that ensuring sustainable forest management and sustainable harvesting of wood are essential for the future of our industry. If possible, Boogaerdt Hout only imports FSC® and PEFC certified wood types.

Our employees each have their own specialization. The sales team has broad wood knowledge and is specialized in customer-specific wood applications.

In Krimpen aan de Lek we have our own mechanical and round wood sawmill. We work closely with external partners for additional operations. This gives you almost unlimited possibilities for your customer-specific projects.

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